Category: Anti-Zionism / Antisemitism

How Do We Expect Palestinians to Think?

This is a brief point-counterpoint taken by permission from The Third Narrative’s email discussion group.  It began with TTN’s editor, Ralph Seliger, commenting on an

Bard Protest Was Not Antisemitic

The following is my response to Batya Ungar-Sargon’s original article in The Forward; my piece was published as a letter to the editor: Forty-eight years ago, as a

Is Anti-Israel Left Antisemitic?

As I explained in my post this past February on NY Times opinion editor Bari Weiss, “I don’t see her adequately confronting the fact that the

What Anti-Zionist Leftists Get Wrong

Loathing Israel has become a religion in a large segment of the left – especially the far-left, which has always been anti-Zionist, but even in

Recent NY Times Articles on BDS

On July 27, three veteran NY Times reporters wrote “an explainer” on the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel, entitled “Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A

Bernie Sanders on Israel and Jewishness

There’s a new Jewish Currents article regarding Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Jewishness (“What Being Jewish Means to Bernie“).  Although the JC piece was fairly good, it