Ralph Seliger

Was Golda a Better PM Than I Thought?

The new ‘Golda’ biopic does not address the criticism that Meir could have avoided the Yom Kippur War. … The tragedy is that Meir was unwilling to consider a complete withdrawal from the Sinai, and that Sadat was not open to true negotiations.

JVP’s Dogmatic Anti-Zionism 

It’s a mistake to conflate a historic grassroots movement, attempting to defend Jews against oppression, with the policies of specific governing coalitions in Israel, however deplorable they may be. 

Opponents’ Blunders Led to Netanyahu Victory

In results analogous to how Donald Trump won in the U.S. Electoral College, despite a popular vote deficit of 2.8 million in 2016, Benjamin Netanyahu is returning to power due to an artifact of Israel’s electoral system — the 3.25% minimum threshold required of competing lists to be elected to the Knesset (raised from 2% in 2015).

AOC, Say it ain’t so!

Superstar leftwing Member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, backed out of speaking at an online memorial for Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin, sponsored by Americans for Peace