Category: Israel / Palestine

Recent NY Times Articles on BDS

On July 27, three veteran NY Times reporters wrote “an explainer” on the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israel, entitled “Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A

Israel Destroys New Palestinian Homes

There’s been wide international reporting on Israel’s demolition of new apartment houses in an area adjacent to East Jerusalem that is part of Area A,

Bernie Sanders on Israel and Jewishness

There’s a new Jewish Currents article regarding Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Jewishness (“What Being Jewish Means to Bernie“).  Although the JC piece was fairly good, it

Israelis Organizing Palestinian Workers

Assaf Adiv, executive director of the independent Israeli labor union, WAC-MAAN (the Workers Advice Center), spoke on July 2nd at the CUNY School of Labor


By seeming to endorse unilateral Israeli annexations of Palestinian territory in the West Bank, the Trump administration is encouraging indefinite occupation and permanent conflict which will imperil

Obstacles to United Jewish-Arab Left

Daniel Gordis, an American-Israeli commentator with center-right leanings, does not generally advance views consonant with The Third Narrative.  But what he said in a recent