TTN Staff

Rethinking Intersectionality: Toward Expanding the Progressive Tent

“Intersectionality” is a term that “refers to the way social identities and forms of oppression overlap and intersect,” as Jay Michaelson — a journalist, rabbi and gay activist — explains. Intersectionality is now “front and center in the way campus communities are engaging with Israel/Palestine…

Is Israel an apartheid state?

“Israeli apartheid” has become a meme, an all-inclusive term that Israel’s critics on the far left use to tarnish everything connected with the Jewish state.  Many

Are there alternatives to BDS?

We don’t think supporting the BDS movement will help end the Israeli occupation, protect human rights and foster a just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

Should BDS be supported?

The BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions) movement targeting Israel is understandably appealing to people who are frustrated with Israeli policies and want to help end

Does Zionism=racism?

In 1975, the United Nations passed a resolution equating Zionism with racism. The UN did the right thing when it voted overwhelmingly to rescind the

New Gov Would Undermine Israel

TTN colleagues are anguished over Netanyahu’s proposed new governing coalition, as are many stalwart supporters of Israel.  One striking example is Abe Foxman, the retired head of the Anti-Defamation League, featured in a recent Jerusalem Post news article (and in a JTA article), declaring that he will not support a “non-democratic Israel”.