Category: Liberal Zionism

A ‘Solidarity Visit’ in Wartime

There are pitfalls to “solidarity tours” of Israel in the wake of October 7th; this one tried, albeit imperfectly, to avoid them. The trick is to cultivate compassion and understanding for both Israelis and Palestinians at this terrible time.

How You Can Help

Here’s a list of places to donate for specific projects from some of our friends and colleagues. We will keep updating the list on the Ameinu website.

Our Land, but Not Only Ours

The author (pictured above) asks: “How do I convince my own people, and the people on the other side, that we both have a legitimate right to live here?”

Israelis Rally for Democracy

A new organization of Israelis living in the United States is rallying against the efforts of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s new government to undermine the independence of Israel’s judiciary.

Israelis Rally for Democracy

On Sunday, Feb. 12th, I went out to a demonstration at Washington Square Park in New York’s Greenwich Village neighborhood.  It was organized by a