What Hamas Wants: Insights From An Insider
The aspirations of Hamas and its allies … are irreconcilable with any negotiation that Israelis will ever entertain. . . . Still, the rejectionism of the anti-Zionist movement does not preclude crafting a future that a majority of Palestinians and Israelis can live with.
My Heart Struggles with My Head
I, for one, wish a sustained ceasefire was the answer. My heart tells me the violence should stop. But my head tells me an extended ceasefire would enable Hamas leaders to remain in power, retain their current arsenal, recruit combatants to replace those who were killed and continue to threaten Israel.

A Birthday in Sderot; Terror 36 Hours Later
I hold the truth that Hamas is evil and the massacre they committed was the lowest that humanity can sink to, alongside the truth that Gazans deserve freedom.

Can We ‘Both Sides’ Hamas?
Denouncing the atrocities committed by Hamas, hoping for its defeat, while also seeing the agony of over two million Gazans under attack in response. There are no easy answers.
We Shelter in Jaffa, Await Fate of Friends
The President of Ameinu records experiencing the first days of war from his family’s second home in Israel.

Does Anti-Zionism=Antisemitism?
The problem isn’t just that “Zionism” itself has many meanings. It’s that many speakers and commentators flit from one meaning to another. The result is that we often have little idea about what we’re debating.
Was Golda a Better PM Than I Thought?
The new ‘Golda’ biopic does not address the criticism that Meir could have avoided the Yom Kippur War. … The tragedy is that Meir was unwilling to consider a complete withdrawal from the Sinai, and that Sadat was not open to true negotiations.
Does Zionism=Settler Colonialism?
Zionism is frequently disparaged and dismissed as “European settler colonialism.” Sam Fleischacker shows how it resembles settler colonialism in some ways but also that there are crucial differences.
Far-right Gov’t. May Not Last Long
The mainstream right may well regain power, with the support or leadership of Gantz and Lapid, which is better than Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. But that would mean a return to the status quo we have been protesting against for so many years.